- The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards depicting pictures that is rich in symbolism and meaning.
- It is a book of wisdom reflecting the major and minor events impacting the life of the Fool, but who is this Fool?…us of course 🃏
- We follow and learn the lessons through each of the archetypes which hold an infinite combination of stories and experiences. Ideally we aim for enlightenment, if not certain patterns will continue to play out.
- I do not primarily see it as a tool for telling our fortune, though it can help flex our intuitive abilities. It can be studied for introspection, meditation and to understand the esoteric meanings and correspondences (i.e. astrology, numerology) – the mysteries of life and the universe.
- It may be used for counselling, conversations, divination (divine), insight and clarity to one’s question, concern or issue.
- The Tarot can be likened to a ‘choose your own adventure’ book reminding us that conscious decisions can impact the way things are heading. Thus taking control of ones’ life can lead to empowerment.
- There are two main parts of the Tarot. The Major Arcana (big secrets, karmic lessons, macrocosm) and the Minor Arcana (little secrets, day to day situations, microcosm) within the minor arcana are also the Court cards (personalities).
- It became popular during the Renaissance period which gave rise to its metaphysical and divination aspects, but has been traced back to the 15th century. Tarot historians and Occultists claim that it predates this in various forms…
More on the history of Tarot is to follow…stay tuned.